webdev posted on July 25, 2019 22:04
As political season approaches, it's time to look at the many options Velvetex offers politicians to boost their campaigns. For over sixty years we have assisted politicians in getting their names out to the public. From governors races to local school boards, Velvetex has offered its expertise and advice.
Let's take a look at some options available to today's politician:
Corrugated plastic signs:
Also known as Corex, these signs have become more and more popular during the past few election cycles. They offer durability along with ease of installation. They come in a variety of sizes to meet your every need. For the personal touch of yard signs to go in neighborhoods, they are most often printed in a 24”x18” size (same as most real estate signs). They are lightweight and will last from primary to general election and beyond without losing their appeal.
For the street signs along highways and intersections, we usually print these signs in sizes of 32”x48” or 48”x96”. Again, they are easy to install and light enough to transport. Some people use 2x4s or metal stakes. As an option, we can punch holes and use grommets for reinforcement to assist the installation using zip ties or nails. Other sizes are readily available, but to get the best yield, allow for the dimensions to fit with the 48”x96” sheet size - for example: 48"x48", 24"x48", 24"x24".
6 Ply Polyboard
These cardboard signs are an economical alternative to the Corex signs. They are treated to be weather resistant, but are not intended for long term outdoor use. In normal conditions, you can expect to get a several months of use. The most popular size is 22”x28” with a score to make the finished size 14”x22” and readable from both sides. They are easy to transport and install.
Magnets are used in several ways. Most common is the refrigerator magnet sent to constituents as a reminder of service and the need to vote. Some distribute them as business cards listing their position on issues along with their accomplishments. Another common use is the large magnet that is placed on car doors for parades or timely display on their own vehicles.
Velvetex since 1946
If you are seeking office or helping someone that is, we would be pleased to work with you on your campaign. We offer many other promotional items not mentioned on this page, but can be found throughout our website. Click here to see our Samples of Work.